Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The most popular sport in Canada

Ice hockey is a sport played between two teams of six players with skates on an ice rink. Skaters must run a rubber disk with a long stick, trying to score in the opponent's goal. In the end, the team that scores the most goals wins.

 Hockey this variant is characterized by a physical sport; players can carry loads with the body on the opponent to try to wrest control of the disc, so usually equipped with all kinds of protections. It is also one of the fastest games, because the friction disc and skates on the ice is minimal, and one of the few sports that allow players to make changes without limitation and without interrupting the game.

It was invented in the late nineteenth century in Canada where is your sport national  addition, it also enjoys considerable popularity in the United States, Sweden, Finland, Central Europe and Russia, and is even considered as the main variant of hockey in countries northern Hemisphere cold climates. Its main governing international body is the International Ice Hockey Federation.